Monday, May 3, 2010

The Ongoing Debate With X-Ray Examinations

After recently participating in an online discussion board forum on the topic, I thought I would post the topic here to gain some additional perspective. Here's my question:

Do you believe that general radiographic exams should be performed by unlicensed/unregistered individuals?

In other words, people who may have medical backgrounds like Medical Assistants or Chiropractic Assistants who may have been trained on the job, but have no formalized education as an X-Ray Technician other than what someone else has shown them in the field.

Some states do not have any restrictions on who can or cannot perform radiographic examinations, and there are other states that have extreme restrictions. I know there are going to be several variances of what happens in your own state, which I would love to hear about as well, regarding qualifications. There are also some limited licensure programs that provide certification in chest, extremities, etc. that are formally structured. Having lived in states on either side of the spectrum, I have my own opinions on the topic which I will refrain from stating at this time, but I am interested in yours. I plan on posting a poll on this blog, and I also invite comments to this post explaining your reasons for your opinion.

If the responses here are as mixed as they were on my recent discussion board experience, it will prove to be very interesting.

Here's a Quick Way to Speed Up Your Xray Exams

Beginning your clinical rotation in x-ray school can be overwhelming.  Not only are you plunged into a new environment, you are expected ...